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lens dislocation中文是什么意思

用"lens dislocation"造句"lens dislocation"怎么读"lens dislocation" in a sentence


  • 晶状体脱位


  • Objective to study the method of surgical management for the lens dislocation and evaluate the clinical results
  • An intra - ocular tumor with calcification and lens dislocation were demonstrated by orbital ct and mri
  • An intra - ocular tumor with calcification and lens dislocation were demonstrated by orbital ct and mri
  • The complication were slight vitreous hemorrhage in 3 eases , vitreous extrusion in 3 cases and temporary uveitis in 1 ease , conclusions for the management of lens dislocation , it is very important to select the right surgical method
  • Methods 29 cases with lens dislocation were surgically managed by various ways according to clinical manifestations , including the anterior chamber lens spelt out and anterior vitrectomy ; resection of the lens in vitreous and vitrectomy ; subluxation were treated with phacoemulsification or extracapsular cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation ; those with glaucoma or retinal detachment were simultaneously treated with glaucoma surgery and reposition of retinal detachment
    方法对我院2003年1月2006年4月眼挫伤致晶状体脱位29例( 29眼)的资料作回顾性研究,根据不同情况采用不同的手术方式,包括前房内晶状体的圈匙托出及前段玻璃体切除术;玻璃体内的晶状体切除术及玻璃体切除术;半脱位者行晶状体乳化或囊外摘出术,并均植入人工晶状体;伴青光眼或视网膜脱离者,同时行抗青光眼手术及视网膜复位手术。
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